2015年7月3日 星期五

[翻譯] [異星獵殺] 小木偶的故事 P.229-P.230

Doll Owner: D4D and photo taken by her.

"This business with gods is something I don't understand," said Jane. "Hasn't anyone caught on yet that the gods always say what people want to hear?"


"Not so," said Ender. "The gods often ask us to do things we never desired, things that require us to sacrifice everything on their behalf. Don't underestimate the gods."


"Does your Catholic God speak to you?"

"Maybe he does. I never hear him, though. Or if I do, I never know that it's his voice I'm hearing."


"And when you die, do the gods of every people really gather them up and take them off somewhere to live forever?"


"I don't know. They never write."


"When I die, will there be some god to carry me away?"


Ender was still for a moment, and then he began to address her in his storytelling manner. "There's an old tale of a dollmaker who never had a son. So he made a puppet that was so lifelike that it looked like a real boy, and he would hold the wooden boy on his lap and talk to it and pretend it was his son. He wasn't crazy - he still knew it was a doll - he called it Pinehead. But one day a god came and touched the puppet and it came to life, and when the dollmaker spoke to it, Pinehead answered. The dollmaker never told anyone about this. He kept his wooden son at home, but he brought the boy every tale he could gather and news of every wonder under heaven. Then one day the dollmaker was coming home from the wharf with tales of a far-off land that had just been discovered, when he saw that his house was on fire. Immediately he tried to run into the house, crying out, 'My son! My son!' But his neighbors stopped him, saying, 'Are you mad? You have no son!' He watched the house burn to the ground, and when it was over he plunged into the ruins and covered himself with hot ashes and wept bitterly. He refused to be comforted. He refused to rebuild his shop. When people asked him why, he said his son was dead. He stayed alive by doing odd jobs for other people, and they pitied him because they were sure the fire had made him a lunatic. Then one day, three years later, a small orphan boy came to him and tugged on his sleeve and said, 'Father, don't you have a tale for me?'"


Jane waited, but Ender said no more. "That's the whole story?"


"Isn't it enough?"


"Why did you tell me this? It's all dreams and wishes. What does it have to do with me?"


"It was the story that came to mind."


"Why did it come to mind?"


"Maybe that's how God speaks to me," said Ender. "Or maybe I'm sleepy and I don't have what you want from me."


"I don't even know what I want from you."


  • 註:珍是某種AI,但不是人類設計的,是從連接網際網絡中一款自我進化的遊戲中 (戰爭遊戲第一集安德玩得遊戲) 突然獲得自我意識的虛擬種族,更深入設定牽扯到粒子太複雜了略(欸)
  • 原文摘錄自: Orson Scott Card (1991). Xenocide (戰爭遊戲第三集), P.229-P.230

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