2018年3月10日 星期六

占卜 Diviner

"You have foreseen my unexpected visit, right? My lady."

"Welcome, my friend of nights, please remove your hood. Everyone should accept the blessings from the light of heaven."

"It’s been a while. You haven’t changed a bit, still very particular." Ausir took off his hood. "As you wish, Neph."

I want to see you. Neph smiled instead of saying it. "You look troubled, Ausir."

"That's why I come to you, almighty daughter of all Gods' blessing." Ausir stared at Neph. He didn’t mind if nobody remembered him, but it is still good to hear someone calling his name. He hid his emotions, however. "What do your Gods ask for the offerings this time? I will go hunt for it"

"What our Gods ask are never lives of others but our own sacrifice." Neph shook her head. Upon a glace at Ausir, Neph suddenly realized how cold and dangerous in his pair of eyes. Who knew the twenty years old young man can easily send humans or lions on to the altar.   

"I need an answer."

"You seek guidance. If you prove you have self-control, then abstain from milk candy for three months, then I will answer one of your questions." 

"Alas, that is a way too painful!" Ausir scratched his head like a boy. "Deal."

"This is your pick."

"Turn them over."

"Here is your Tarot reading. Each position of this pattern represents your past, your present or your future. For your past, it is upright Emperor; for your present, reversed Hanged Man and upright Magician; and for your future, upright Lover."

"In your past, you lived like an emperor. You never needed to worry about consequences. You had it all. Every decision you made is clear. For now, you still feel life has unlimited potential, yet you also feel like you are trapped in a splendid mirage. You are chasing illusions, void endings, and you cannot find a way out."

"My question is, how can I find my lost sword?"

"Your sword. You mean the boy who can give you power."

"Right, no secrets can hide from you."

"When you turn all your desires to sacrifice, you will meet him. There is a strong bond between you and him. The bond is leading you to him." Neph silenced for a while and spoke in a dreamy voice. "I can only tell you, you will fight many battles. Among them, you will have to find the road to fight for him."

"Is that enough?"

"Never waste your life on the wrong choice."

- fin -




Photo Bomb!


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