2012年9月4日 星期二

聖殿春秋 Pillars of the Earth (2010) [8.8/10]

終於看完了聖殿春秋 Pillars of the Earth


====Spoiler Warning====

Love the ending speech~ 

When we began work on the Kingsbridge Cathedral, King Stephen was newly crowned and the Princess Maud fled to France with her newborn son, Henry. For years, England was torn by war and great suffering. King Stephen is since dead and Maud's son now rules as King Henry II of England. Now we have peace and hope for a bright tomorrow.

And for these gifts and our beautiful church, I thank God, our king, the people of Kingsbridge and several generations of tireless workers.

But the cathedral is not finished and nor will it ever be.

Just as human perfection is something we all strive for and can never attain, so this church will forever be changing, growing, crumbling at times...an ongoing legacy of our feeble efforts to touch God.

A cathedral, my friends, is... is neither stone nor statues nor even a place of prayer. It is... a continuum of creation... beautiful work that, pray God, will never end.

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