2016年6月21日 星期二

【iplehouse】Glow Normal Skin V.S. normal Skin & nYID Boy V.S. SID Man

Glow skin is more soft and natural in texture.
Glow skin 在材質上比較柔美,而且帶著光暈

IP GLOW精華液——娃娃的完美的樹脂配方,讓你的娃娃擁有碧水瑩瑩美麗自然的煥發肌膚。不僅猶如健康肌膚般晶瑩剔透自然光亮,且含有UVB,UVC,超強抵抗紫外線照射。打磨的痕跡不清晰,既堅固又具有柔軟性,晶瑩剔透誘發出豐富而美麗的色彩。
- by IP群主阿俊

As you can see lines are more blur and soft.

Veins are almost gone in glow normal skin in nYID boy foot.

The left one is with make up and I keep it in the box. It is slightly more pale and pink.The color of glow skin is more close to yellowed normal skin.
最左邊的是長期暗箱的手,比較白和粉一點;Glow Skin比較接近黃化的普肌。
可以看到手的指甲在Glow Skin更容易因過曝而失去線條。

All with make up
上妝後效果,之前的血管不清等等立體度問題都解決了,Glow Skin 是一款很適合上妝的膚質,顏色均勻細膩,暈散的質感更接近真人。(但沒上妝下個人覺得立體度反而沒有一般樹脂好)

Glow Skin is more easy to adsorb color than normal. Red becomes more red. I have to apply orange to achieve similar tone in glow normal skin.

Note: nose looks a lot difference in Normal skin. It has more shadow.

Glow Skin 比較容易吸色,要達到類似妝色反而得選不同的粉彩。

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